Good preparation is half the battle

Fast-moving consumer goods must constantly be available on the shelf. Typical FMCG products are items that we use daily, such as food, bodycare products and detergents. Products that consumers often purchase frequently, spontaneously, usually almost automatically and without too much thought. Individualised and perfectly networked logistics are required in order to ensure that the right products are available in the right quantities exactly where they are needed.

We offer flexible logistics solutions and warehouse capacities specifically for fast-moving goods. Our two multi-user logistics centres multicube rhein-neckar and multicube rheinhessen are award-winning and have the perfect facilities and infrastructure. As a strong partner to the retail industry and renowned branded companies, we know the requirements for FMCG-specialised storage inside and out.

multicube fmcg bereich

Specialised FMCG logistics

Planning the logistics processes for fast-moving goods is quite complicated, especially when you want it all to be really simple, efficient and safe. But requirements such as these provide us with fresh new challenges, which we like. Primarily, for us, successful logistics means combining intelligent solutions with fast and consistent implementation. This is especially important when you have to keep an eye on the logistics costs, and a company uses a number of suppliers in parallel for various areas within the logistics chain.

We, on the other hand, offer the entire logistics from a single source. We plan logistics projects in close coordination, implement them and consistently optimise the added-value chain. We offer a wide range of added-value services: from co-packing and material procurement to transportation, we cover most of the supply chain.

We work with our customers to create comprehensive logistics sequences for the achievement of win-win situations. We always have our aims clearly in sight: significant reduction in logistics costs and the creation of clear structures with competent contacts.

Our awards

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Looking for green solutions for your logistics? Discover our certificates now!

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    Your contact for FMCG

    Karen Klement is looking forward to hearing from you!
    Tel.: +49 (6203) 9545-0