Retail logistics encompasses all processes that are necessary to transport goods from their point of origin to their end consumer. It plays a crucial role in the value chain and ensures the smooth and efficient flow of goods between manufacturers, retailers and end consumers. As your logistics partner, we are the driving force behind your supply chain and ensure that your products arrive at the right place at the right time. For us, trade is more than just the exchange of products; it is a complex network of processes that requires precision, reliability and speed. Let us work together to ensure your success in retail logistics.

Returns management: Back to the beginning

Returns are items that are not sold within a specified time window. This often happens with seasonal items or classic mail order purchases. The processing of returns is equally unpopular with retailers and manufacturers as it is difficult to plan and ties up resources. Special offers cause consumers to visit retail stores more often, and can result in high-volume returns with strong seasonal fluctuations that can only be managed with an efficient returns management system.

Dedicated returns solutions for retailers

This is the point in the processing of returns where pfenning logistics’ returns management steps in and works out solutions. As a returns service provider, for instance, we collect unsold non-food products from the customer’s branches. After bundling, these returns are sent back to our returns handling centre via a retail warehouse. Incoming returns are checked in the receiving area against individually specified customer criteria, then sorted and packed into new logistical units. Rejected goods are disposed of appropriately, while products that are deemed to be good are integrated in the customer’s current warehouse stock for remarketing. Thanks to this coordinated process, returns not only have a second chance of being sold, but can make an important difference in profit margins in the fiercely competitive retail segment.

We make the efficient remarketing of returns your competitive advantage.

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    Your contact for returns management

    Karen Klement is looking forward to hearing from you!
    Tel.: +49 (6203) 9545-0