bvik – The Industry Association for Communication & Marketing
As an independent association, the bvik brings together marketing professionals from industry and the creative sector for professional B2B communication. We show how professional B2B communication leads to greater awareness, better perception, higher efficiency and better added value. Find out more
BVL – Bundesvereinigung Logistik
The German Logistics Association (Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL)) consists of more than 10,000 specialist and executive staff from the worlds of industry, retail, services and science all over the world. Its main aim is to share the significance of supply chain management and logistics, and promote their use and development. Find out more
BME Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft Einkauf & Logistik e.V.
The German Association of Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistics (Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik (BME)), founded in 1954, is a service provider for 9,000 independent and corporate members, including medium-sized and major companies. As a network designer, the BME promotes the exchange of information amongst companies and science, for the procurement and provider sides. The association is open to any sector (industry, retail, public sector, banks/insurance companies) and business form. Find out more
LogCoop GmbH is a service organisation for medium-sized companies in the transport and logistics industry. The hub of the co-operation is a club whose members network closely and regularly to exchange information. Modules are used as performance blocks to provide every single company with exactly the support that it needs to be successful. Find out more
LogCoop Lagernetzwerk member
The first medium-sized network for warehousing and contract logistics provides fast, structured offers in response to warehousing enquiries or contract logistics tenders. Competent, flexible and a good cost/performance ratio. Find out more
Logistikinitiative Hamburg
In order to further develop Hamburg’s role as the leading logistics metropolis in Northern Europe, the Ministry of Economic and Labour Affairs and Hamburg’s business community founded this logistics initiative. Its aim is the networking of industry, science and research, the profiling of the logistics location Hamburg in co-operation with the growth initiatives in the metropolitan region, and a comprehensive innovations transfer to strengthen companies. Find out more
Club of Logistics
Founded in 2003, the aim of the Club of Logistics is recognition of the logistics industry as one of the driving economic forces in Europe. The club considers itself a lobbying organisation for the European logistics industry. Find out more
DSLV e.V. – Deutscher Speditions- und Logistikverband
The German Association of Freight Forwarders and Logistics Companies (DSLV) takes part in transport policy discussions and addresses legislative proposals, ordinances and guidelines on behalf of its members. It also represents the interests of the trade towards the shipping trade and carriers. Find out more
Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar
Is responsible for the unified regional planning in the metropolitan region. Find out more
Marketing Club Rhein-Neckar
The Marketing Club Rhein Neckar sees itself as a pioneer, and wants to make what is new, productively useful. Its motivation is the further development of marketing in theory and practice. Find out more
Verband Deutscher Kühlhäuser & Kühllogistikunternehmen (VDKL)
The Association of German Cold Storage and Refrigerated Logistics Companies e.V. (VDKL) is the trade association for food companies involved in the temperature-controlled storage, distribution and logistics of frozen and fresh foods. It bundles the interests of the industry, informs, advises and networks. Find out more.
Logix Initiative
The Logix Initiative Logistics Real Estate is an association of well-known companies and personalities in the logistics real estate industry. It promotes dialogue among specialists and the public on the function and location of logistics real estate. Find out more
Die Wirtschaftsmacher
The initiative “Die Wirtschaftsmacher” emerged in 2018 from the “Image of Logistics” theme group of the Bundesvereinigung Logistik e.V. (German Logistics Association). In the theme group, communication and marketing experts, media representatives, scientists and operationally responsible logistics experts developed a strategy to improve the image of logistics in the public. Find out more.
Transported Asset Protection Association
The Transported Asset Protection Association (TAPA) was founded as a non-profit industry association to help manufacturers/shippers and their logistics service providers minimise the losses caused by cargo theft in their supply chains. Today, the association offers a variety of industry standards, training and other tools to manage potential risks. Find out more.
Brownfield 24
Brownfield 24 is the network & service platform for contaminated sites, brownfields and revitalisation projects! Here you can upload your challenging sites free of charge and/or find a suitable project partner and service provider for your next construction project. Find out more.
The BVMW is the voice of the SME sector and represents the interests of 900,000 entrepreneurial voices within the framework of the SME Alliance. In discussions with political decision-makers, the BVMW vigorously advocates for an improvement in the political framework conditions for SMEs. At all political levels, BVMW has succeeded in representing the interests of German SMEs and achieving concrete results. Find out more.
European Economic Senate
The European Economic Senate (EES) is a non-partisan and cross-sectoral European body of successful European companies and personalities who make their knowledge and experience available to political decision-makers in an advisory capacity. Find out more.