Pharmaceutical logistics: GDP-certified expertise from pfenning logistics

Pharmaceutical logistics requires reliable services without risks and side effects. Already since 2017, pfenning logistics has been certified by the successful GDP logistics audit in accordance with the “EU Guideline for Good Practice for Medicinal Products for Human Use (2013/C 343/01)”. In our multicube rhein-neckar in Heddesheim, we ensure the storage of temperature-controlled pharmaceutical products in the temperature ranges 2-8°C and 15-25°C and ensure the implementation of all relevant technical safety and hygiene requirements. In addition, our employees are continuously trained in the handling of pharmaceutical products.

As one of the top 100 logistics companies in Germany, we can look back on 125 years of comprehensive expert knowledge and are one of the top 3 companies in Germany in the field of temperature-controlled transport. We secure our strong performance through a nationwide warehouse and distribution network at 110 locations. Our logistics network is therefore predestined to meet the high quality demands of a wide range of industries. In our award-winning multi-user warehouse location in Heddesheim, we ensure the HACCP standard for food safety with three temperature zones (1-8 °C / 10-20 °C / 17-30 °C) and maintain the world’s largest external warehouse of a global chemical group with a total of 65,000 pallet spaces.

The step into GDP-compliant pharmaceutical logistics is a logical extension of these competences.

Trusted partner for GDP-compliant pharmaceutical logistics

  • Temperature control in storage and transport
  • GDP-compliant cooling surfaces
  • Just-in-time storage from production
  • Pest Control
  • Access and entry controls
  • Hygiene and emergency concept
  • Excellent price-performance ratio

Healthcare location Cologne: expertise in pharmaceutical logistics strengthened with GILOG

Medical progress and demographic change – for us as a contract logistics provider, pharmaceutical and healthcare logistics is a market with major challenges and enormous growth potential, and not just since the pandemic. With the integration of GILOG Gesellschaft für innovative Logistik into pfenning logistics group and the expansion of warehouse capacities in North Rhine-Westphalia, we have once again strengthened our expertise and fulfilment performance in the medical technology segment. Healthcare logistics: flexible, efficient, secure and economical with pfenning logistics group.

Interested in our GDP logistics services?

As a top 100 logistics company, we have been offering comprehensive experience and customised logistics services to numerous industries for many decades – including the pharmaceutical industry.

Find out now about our GDP-compliant, customised pharmaceutical logistics solutions.

Our awards

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Looking for green solutions for your logistics? Discover our certificates now!

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    for pharmaceutical logistics

    Karen Klement is looking forward to hearing from you!
    Tel.: +49 (6203) 9545-0